TECC Technical Assistance Portfolio 2023-2024

California Tobacco Prevention Program (CTPP)


Don’t get fined for selling tobacco to minors. Tobacco stings are happening now in California and they could cost you!

The Tobacco Education Clearinghouse of California 5619 Scotts Valley Drive, Suite 140 Scotts Valley, CA 95066

What you need to know: ✚ ID. Clerks must check IDs of those buying ANY type of tobacco to verify they are 21 years of age or older. ✚ FINES. Tobacco store owners selling ANY type of tobacco to persons under 21 face fines from $400 to $6,000. ✚ PENALTIES. Store owners or their employees caught selling ANY type of tobacco to anyone under 21 risk losing their tobacco retailer license. ✚ FLAVORED TOBACCO. The sale of flavored tobacco products to persons of any age is against the law. You are responsible for training employees on tobacco laws. Free training materials are available at: bit.ly/TobaccoRetailers Order free Stop Tobacco Access to Kids Enforcement (STAKE) Act age-of-sale warning signs by calling 1-800-258-9090. See STAKE Act, California Business and Professions Code Sections 22950-22964 for information related to the minimum tobacco age of sale, California Business Professions Code Sections 22970-22991 for State of California tobacco licensing requirements described above, and California Health and Safety Code Section 104559.5 for information related to the sale of flavored tobacco products. This mailing was made possible by funds received from the California Department of Public Health under Proposition 56.

TECC Portfolio 2023 - 2024


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