TECC Technical Assistance Portfolio 2023-2024



When stressed Visualize yourself relaxing in a pleasant place, take a few deep breaths, squeeze a stress ball and revisit your reasons why you’re quitting.

Change Your Routines To Break The Habit

Welcome To Your Quit Kit

What's In Your Quit Kit?

CHOOSE A METHOD You can opt to quit tobacco by going “cold turkey,” by gradually decreasing your use, with the help of medications, or other techniques. Your doctor or local stop- smoking program can help you decide. MY 3 REASONS WHY What are your top 3 reasons for quitting? Review them regularly to remind yourself why you are worth the effort. CONGRATULATIONS! By putting this advice to use, you are on the path to improved health. Quitting tobacco is a challenging task, but millions of people have proven that it can be done. So can you! The practical tips presented here will make it easier for you.

MINI NOTEBOOK AND PEN Use the notebook and pen to journal your triggers, wins, and emotions as you quit. It may be helpful to keep a list of reasons you want to quit to refer to during tough times. MINTS, GUM, AND TOOTHPICKS If you miss the feeling of having something in your mouth, try toothpicks, mints, or gum. STRESS BALL If you miss the feeling of a cigarette in your hand, hold something else – a pencil, a paper clip, a marble, a pipe cleaner, or stress ball for example.

When you first get up in the morning Immediately take a shower, dress, eat, and get out the door.

After morning coffee and after meals Brush your teeth.

When watching TV Munch on celery or carrots.

When driving Bring ice water, chew on a straw, listen to music.

When at home after work or school Keep busy, do chores or things you enjoy and don’t associate with tobacco. When in social situations Avoid alcohol, coffee, and other drinks you associate with smoking. Sip slowly on ice water. Socialize with non-smokers at parties. Tell your friends you’re quitting.

When waiting Always carry a book or magazine, sip water.

When on the phone Keep your hands busy doodling on a pad or walk around. When upset Exercise, go for a walk, write in a journal, or call or text a friend who knows you’ve quit and share your feelings.

SET A QUIT DATE Make the commitment. Tell people about it!

I will quit on:

TECC Portfolio 2023 - 2024


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