TECC Catalog Supplement February 2024

UPDATED Protect Children from E-Cigarettes, Spanish This eye-catching Spanish-language fact card educates parents and caregivers on the dangers of e-cigarettes and e-liquid. Includes information on what e-cigarettes and vape devices are, why they are dangerous, and how to protect children from them. Also available in English (J982).

Audience Families, Parents, Hispanic and Latino Fact Card 8.5” x 5.5” #J982SP

UPDATED Smokefree Multi-Unit Housing

This convenient handout for landlords and managers on the benefits of creating smokefree multi-unit housing is available in two versions: one for a rural audience and one for an urban audience. Both rural and urban versions include information on the health risks of secondhand smoke, the economic and health benefits of smokefree housing policies, and resources for adopting smokefree policies. The images in each version reflect a mix of families and seniors in their homes and communities.

Audience General, Public Health Advocates, Tobacco Control Advocates and Educators Brochure 8.5” x 11”

#J972 Rural #J973 Urban

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