+ Language was chosen carefully, with special emphasis on ensuring respectfulness, relatability, and
empowerment, and not judgment nor negativity The team underscored that this was particularly important given the history of forcible removal of children and forced boarding school among Tribal populations Tribal leadership and community members played a key role in reviewing the language + Including relevant and actionable resources is crucial to campaign success This campaign included information on Kick It California’s quit resources, as well as UIHS clinic sites Community members interested in support could reach out for help accessing and navigating commercial tobacco cessation resources while also encouraging in-person engagement for more tailored support
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Case study participants highlighted that:
+ Effective messaging should be clear, concise, and reflect cultural norms For example, this set of posters focused on quitting commercial tobacco use during pregnancy while also underscoring the power that women hold as mothers Additionally, recognizing the cultural distinction between commercial tobacco and sacred tobacco is essential + The theme and use of the phrase “future generations” alluded to the passing down mothers in perpetuating cultural tradition Contextualizing the messaging within a generational framework indicates respect for Tribal grandparents and ancestors, who have provided care and teaching in the past, and those who are yet to be born of knowledge between generations, highlighting the foundational role of
“ We’re suggesting a healthier lifestyle and thinking about future generations. We’re acknowledging and honoring these people, these community members, even the littlest and tiniest ones in our community. ”
1-E-3 Material Development Process Case Study Summary | United Indian Health Services, 2023-2024
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