Full TECC Catalog (June 2023)


Flavored Tobacco

Fighting Flavored Tobacco This guide was developed by CTCP to support local health departments and community-based organizations who are working to reduce flavored tobacco in their communities. It is based on current research and shares lessons learned from existing flavored tobacco prevention campaigns. You’ll learn how to: 1. Make your campaign matter locally 2. Build relationships to fuel your campaign 3. Follow your local policy “rule book” for success Audience advocates, health educators Booklet 8.5” x 11” #J989

Digital version available at tecc.org/flavored-tobacco-toolkit-pdf

Sweet treat or nicotine?

Can you tell which items are candy and which are tobacco and vape products? The tobacco industry uses flavors like mango, gummy bear, and chocolate chip cookie to make using tobacco seem fun and safe. It’s not. Learn more at flavorshookkids.org

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