ETR Spring 2023 Health Promotion Catalog
The important facts in a single pamphlet One of our top-selling titles, HIV Facts is an essential tool for HIV educators. + Gives HIV prevention facts at a glance + Discusses how people get HIV and what to watch for + Emphasizes the importance of testing and steps to take after getting results + Includes information on safer sex, PrEP, PEP, and U=U
HIV Facts Large-Format Pamphlet
English #H196 Spanish #R736 More languages available online!
HIV Facts for Teens Delivers the same indispensable information about HIV, presented using language, concepts, and images to engage teens. It supports condom use, but also stresses that abstinence is the surest way to prevent HIV. Large-Format Pamphlet English #529 Spanish #541
"We love HIV Facts because it’s so thorough. We give one to every person who receives an HIV test at our agency." Meredith Short, Community Health Educator, Positive Link, Bloomington Hospital, Indiana
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