ETR Spring 2023 Health Promotion Catalog
Title IX - Know Your Rights + Defines sexual and/or gender-based harassment under Title IX + Helps students understand their rights – as complainants or respondents – under Title IX + QR Code links to online FAQs on harassment, assault, and Title IX in English and Spanish Pamphlet #R849 Set of 50 $28.00 Title IX - Policy Poster + Helps districts and schools meet the Title IX requirement to “prominently display” their policies + Provides spaces to attach policies and contact information for the Title IX Coordinator + Includes a QR Code to access online FAQs on harassment, assault, and Title IX Poster #K066L $19.99
Title IX Leadership Since forming the K12T9 Initiative in 2016, ETR has become a national thought leader in Title IX issues: + Addressing sexual and gender-based harassment + Developing sexual assault policies and procedures + Developing a comprehensive, student-centered audit process ETR provides consulting, technical assistance, and evaluation services to K12 districts and schools—helping to build capacity and improve prevention, intervention, and remediation practices. Please visit: To learn more, contact us at (510) 858-6030 or
Title IX Lesson Packs Aligned with National Sex Education Standards and 2020 Title IX Regulations, these lesson plans: + Educate elementary, middle, and high school students about the fundamental concepts related to sexual and/or gender-based harassment and sexual assault + Build skills to recognize, intervene and report harassment + Establish a culture of respect in the school community Elementary School #A601DE $99.99
Middle School #A602DE $99.99 High School #A603DE $99.99
Visit for more materials. 800•321•4407
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