ETR Spring 2023 Health Promotion Catalog
Parenting & Childcare
New Mom Tips + Dispels 6 common myths about motherhood + Provides tips to help new moms cope + Discusses the different feelings new mothers may experience + Includes a foldout chart featuring a chronological overview of mother and baby’s first year Large-Format Pamphlet #H103
Newborn Tips + Presents a range of important health information about newborns + Talks about when you should call a doctor + Features a foldout chart that discusses how to breastfeed, bottle feed, cope with crying, help baby sleep, and more Large-Format Pamphlet #031
New Dad Tips + Offers tips for fathers on handling the stress a new baby can place on a relationship + Discusses sleeping, eating, crying, and loving + Stresses being a team, taking care of yourself, and talking + Includes foldout chart showing practical ways to deal with money, childcare, sex, feelings, and more Large-Format Pamphlet #H104
Easy to Read
Baby Blues + Describes normal mood changes after childbirth + Lists postpartum depression symptoms + Explains what can help + Discusses depression and how to get help Pamphlet #268
We're a team. Together we're figuring out how to be a family.
QUANTITY 50 100 200 500 1K 5K+
$28 $49 $90 $197 $356 Call for prices $31 $54 $96 $219 $378
Large-Format Pamphlets
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