ETR Spring 2023 Health Promotion Catalog



Comprehensive series answers common questions

Testing at Home + Addresses the importance of testing + Provides information about different test kits + Discusses what to do if you test positive Pamphlet #543 Antibody Test + Discusses confidential vs. anonymous testing + Explains what the results mean + Suggests where to get tested Pamphlet #044 Rapid Test + Describes how the rapid test works + Discusses what results mean + Explains the counseling procedure + Choice of covers for different audiences Pamphlet #366 See more covers online

After the Test + Explains what a negative test means + Suggests what to do if you test positive + Covers how to prevent HIV Pamphlet #198 What If I’m Negative? + Explains what a negative test means + Discusses the HIV testing window + Offers steps to protect yourself Pamphlet #H274 What If I’m Positive? + Outlines steps to take after positive result + Discusses treatment + Explains how to protect yourself and others + Gives tips to stay healthy + Choice of covers for different audiences Pamphlet #197 See more covers online

Living and thriving with HIV—practical tips can make it easier to manage

Living Healthy with HIV + Lists ways to eat a healthy diet and be physically fit + Explores how to deal with stress + Discusses treatment options + Includes how to find a doctor and get services + Covers ways to have great sex with very low or no risk Large-Format Pamphlet English #508 Spanish #527

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