ETR Spring 2023 Health Promotion Catalog

HEALTH Promotion



drinks you want to have over an evening. Think of ways to refuse drinks and avoid drinking games.

containers or mixed drinks from others. Bring your own or make your own.

Best move Plan ahead. Know how many

Best move Don’t accept open

how many drinks you h celebrating. Plan ahea someone who’s not dr

After a few rounds of beer pong, do you know how many drinks you’ve had? Let’s be honest. Besides being a way to socialize, the goal of drinking games is to get drunk quickly. A person who downs a lot of alcohol in a short amount of time can get very drunk as the alcohol is absorbed into the system.

Someone passes you a keg cup and says it’s a mixed drink. Does it have 1 shot of hard liquor in it or 6? Could something have been slipped into the drink? One mixed drink can contain the equivalent of several standard drinks, so you might drink more than you want to without even realizing it.

Best move Pay speci

You worked hard to r and now you want to If you party to celebrat than you planned can


Drinking games

Mixed drinks

It’s your move! It’s smart to be aware of things that can

At very high blood alcohol levels, breathing can stop, the heart can stop, and death can occur from alcohol poisoning.

quickly—not coffee, co exercise or vomiting. N do, it takes the same a your body to get rid of New attitude avoid the “drunk” stag more moderate way. (S section for how to do t

differences so both men and women can make decisions about drinking that keep them in control.

If you c

New attitude Be aware of these

differently even if they weigh the same. If a man and woman who are the same size drink at the same rate, the woman will get more drunk.

Fact: There’s no way t

Fact: Alcohol affects men and women

feel better so you can drink again. Coffee, a c exercise can also help

differently because they’re smaller than men.


Old attitude: Alcohol affects women

Old attitude:


Gender differences

Staying in control can mean a better tim

What’s your attitude?

Drinking Facts

The trouble with tolerance When it comes to drinking, tolerance isn’t a good thing. • People with tolerance can drink more alcohol without feeling the expected effects. They’re not less drunk—they just feel less drunk. • Someone with tolerance reaches the same blood alcohol level as someone without tolerance. • Tolerance can give a person a false sense of security and can be a sign that drinking is becoming a problem. • If you think you might have a drinking problem, consider talking to a counselor or health care provider.

ce of Health

Professional models were used in all photos. This brochure is not intended as a substitute for your health professional’s opinion or care. Written by Jason Kilmer, PhD. Reviewed 2019. Revised 2016. © 2000 ETR. All rights reserved. It is a violation of U.S. copyright law to reproduce any portion of this publication. Title No. R843 [18-1218] Physical fitness feeds the mind Keeping your body fit helps your mental fitness too! • Be physically active every day. • Eat healthy foods in the right amounts. • Reduce or stop tobacco, alcohol and other drug use. • Get regula checku s from a health care provider. What is happiness? Most people think of happiness as a sign of good mental health. But it depends on the type of happiness. Some things might make you feel happy for a while. • Eating a bowl of ice cream • Getting a raise or a good grade • Watching a football game But having a lot of short-term happy times doesn’t add up to long-term happiness or well-being. When people use their personal strengths to guide their life decisions, their actions build these strengths and lead to longer-term happiness.


Genes play a role Just as heredity can increase your risk of diabetes, heart disease or cancer, your genes may put you more at risk for depression, anxiety or drug problems. People with a family history of mental disorders may be at higher risk. Without help they might feel strong symptoms no matter what they do. Even without genetic risk, life-changing events may challenge you from time to time. You can get professional help during these times.

isorders after n option. an build mental ems. ope well and pite trauma,

Trusted Materials for Public Health, School Health, and Health Care Since 1981

nsequences from a range of problems that… drunk can y suck ou know has f the problems you already know their lives are rchers believe andle difficult relying on their . that a hopeful, ant for good learn to focus e time. Understanding gs helps people to recognize, motions. eople’s minds.

ofessional, improve no matter now.

someone else? ing embarrassing? e embarrassing thing yone else does? gover?

Know the effects and risks of drinking

1 Some things can lead to well-being: • Doing kind things for other people. • Speaking up for what you feel is fair. • Appreciating the good things that happen.

Professional models were used in all photos. This brochure is not intended as a substitute for your health professional’s opinion or care. Written by Kay Clark. Reviewed 2021. Revised 2014. © 2005 ETR. All rights reserved. It is a violation of U.S. copyright law to reproduce any portion of this publication. Title No. 369 [21-0107]

12/18/18 4:36 PM


Reach your English and Spanish speaking audiences with important health education materials



“Mi madre tiene diabetes, así que yo me hice un análisis. Ahora podemos ayudarnos la una a la otra a mantenernos en buena salud”.

en mi sangre, y ahora me siento bien la mayor parte del tiempo”.

azúcar durante el embarazo, para mantener saludables a la madre y al bebé. Con frecuencia los niveles de azúcar de la madre vuelven a ser normales después del nacimiento. Pero el haber tenido diabetes durante el embarazo pone a la mujer en mayor riesgo de tener diabetes Tipo 2 después. 2


“Estaba con miedo de tener diabetes. Pero aprendí cómo controlar el azúcar

Los síntomas de la diabetes pueden ser difíciles de notar. Pueden aparecer lentamente en un período de tiempo largo. Si usted tiene síntomas, puede Necesitar orinar más frecuentemente. Tener mucha sed. Sentir mucho cansancio. Tener la vista borrosa. Perder peso.

“My mother has diabetes, so I got tested. Now we help each other stay healthy.”

“I was scared about having diabetes. But I learned how to manage my blood sugar and now I feel good most of the time.”

What about pregnancy? Some women have high blood sugar levels during pregnancy. This is called gestational diabetes. Sugar levels need to be con trolled to keep both mother and baby healthy. Often a woman’s blood sugar levels return to normal after giving birth. But having gestational diabetes puts her at higher risk for getting Type 2 diabetes later.

Symptoms of diabetes can be hard to notice. They may appear slowly over a long time. If you have symptoms, you may: Need to urinate (pee) often. Be very thirsty. Feel tired. Have blurry vision. Lose weight.

Cuando están embarazadas, algunas mujeres tienen altos niveles de azúcar en la sangre. Esto se llama diabetes gestacional o de embarazo. Se necesita controlar los niveles de


Su HDL (buen colesterol) es menos de 50 si es mujer, o menos de 40 si es hombre. Su nivel de triglicéridos es más de 150. ¿Cuáles son los


What are the symptoms?

¿Qué sobre el

Is PrEP for You? Page 7 Es posible que repitan el análisis otro día, para asegurar que el resultado es correcto. Un resultado de 100 o menos significa que el nivel de azúcar en la sangre es normal. Un resultado de 100 a 124 significa que usted tiene pre-diabetes. Usted puede hacer cambios saludables que pueden evitar o dilatar el comienzo de la diabetes. Si el resultado es mayor de 125, usted tiene diabetes. You’re Hispanic, African American, Native American, Asian American or Pacific Islander. You had diabetes while pregnant. You may have higher heart disease risks if: Your blood pressure is over 140/90. Your HDL (good) cholesterol is under 50 if you’re a woman or under 40 if you’re a man. Your triglyceride level is 150 or higher.

controlar el azúcar de la sangre. Esto es lo que puede hacer para controlar el azúcar en la sangre: Vigile su peso. Coma una dieta saludable. Tenga actividad física. Aprenda a medirse el azúcar en su casa. Apunte los resultados para mostrárselos al médico. Hágase chequeos médicos regulares. Las cosas que mantienen el azúcar en un nivel bajo también mejoran la salud en otras maneras. Muchas personas que logran controlar el azúcar se sienten mejor de lo que se han sentido por mucho tiempo.

Usted puede estar en riesgo si: Tiene sobrepeso, o peso extra alrededor de la cintura. Tiene actividad física menos de 3 veces por semana. Si tiene padre o madre, abuelos, hermanas o hermanos con diabetes. Si es mayor de 45 años. Si pertenece a los siguientes grupos: hispano, nativo-americano, asiático americano, o isleños del Pacífico. Si tuvo diabetes durante su embarazo. Factores de salud que pueden elevar el riesgo de sufrir la enfermedad coronaria: La presión de su sangre es más de 140/90.

Para la diabetes, su médico puede recomendar píldoras o inyecciones de insulina. Las píldoras ayudan a bajar el azúcar en la sangre. No son la misma cosa que la insulina. Las inyecciones de insulina se necesitan cuando el cuerpo no produce suficiente insulina. También pueden ser necesarias medicinas para la presión de la sangre y el colesterol. Aspirinas de bebé (81 mg) cada día, para reducir el riesgo de un ataque al corazón.

Si reciben tratamiento, las personas con diabetes pueden llevar una vida normal y evitar serios problemas. Si la diabetes no tiene tratamiento, puede causar la muerte. Las personas con diabetes pueden reducir grandemente esos riesgos si mantienen en control el azúcar en la sangre. ¿Es algo serio? Puede serlo. El tener diabetes pone a las personas en un mayor riesgo de: Daño del corazón y los vasos sanguíneos Daño de los riñones Daño de la vista, llegando incluso a la ceguera Daño de los nervios Pérdida de los pies o extremidades Learn as much as you can about how to keep your blood sugar under control. To manage your blood sugar you can: Manage your weight. Eat a healthy diet. Be active. Learn how to check your blood sugar at home. Keep a diary to show your provider. Get regular health care. Things that keep your blood sugar on track can also improve your health in other ways. Many people who control their blood sugar feel better than they have for a long time. La diabetes Tipo 2 tiende a ocurrir en personas mayores de 40 años, con sobrepeso, y con una historia familiar de diabetes. El páncreas produce insulina, pero el cuerpo no la puede usar bien. Frecuentemente, cambios en la dieta y niveles de actividad pueden controlar la diabetes Tipo 2. La persona puede también necesitar píldoras o inyecciones de insulina. El Tipo 2 se encuentra en alrededor del 90% de personas con diabetes. Este folleto trata sobre la diabetes Tipo 2.

STD/STI Facts Page 2 medicines may be needed to lower every day to

HIV Facts Page 6

You may be tested again on another day to make sure the test is accurate. A blood sugar level of 100 or less means your blood sugar is normal. A blood sugar level of 100 to 124 means you have prediabetes. You can make healthy changes to prevent or delay getting diabetes. If your blood sugar measures over 125, you have diabetes.

lower your heart attack risk.

heart disease risks. Baby aspirin (81 mg)

body doesn’t make enough insulin. Blood pressure and cholesterol

Insulin shots are needed when your

Si usted tiene alguno de los factores de riesgo, pregunte a un médico sobre hacerse un análisis de sangre. El análisis mide el nivel de azúcar en su sangre, por la mañana, en ayunas. You have a parent, grandparent, sister or brother with diabetes. You’re over age 45.

sugar. They are not the same as insulin.

¿Y qué si tengo diabetes? Tener diabetes puede causar temor. Pero muchas personas con diabetes llevan vidas saludables y evitan serios problemas. Aprenda lo más que pueda sobre cómo If you have any risk factors, talk with your health care provider about a blood test. The test measures your blood sugar levels the first thing in the morning before you eat.

Diabetes pills help lower blood

Your provider may recommend pills or insulin shots to help you manage diabetes.

La diabetes You may be at risk if: You are overweight or have extra weight around your waist. You’re active less than 3 times a week.

¿Cómo saber si tengo diabetes?

¿Estoy en riesgo?

lead normal lives and avoid serious problems.

Having diabetes can seem scary. But many people with diabetes

if I have it?

La diabetes Tipo 1 es más común en niños y personas menores de 30 años, pero puede aparecer a cualquier edad. En una persona con diabetes Tipo 1 el páncreas no produce suficiente insulina. La persona necesita inyecciones diarias de insulina. Aproximadamente el 10% de las personas con diabetes tienen el Tipo 1. ¿Qué es la diabetes? Los cuerpos humanos, como los motores, necesitan combustible para funcionar. Un tipo de combustible que usamos es la glucosa, o azúcar, que viene de los alimentos. La cantidad correcta de azúcar ayuda a las células a trabajar bien, de modo que el cuerpo puede arrojar una pelota de béisbol o leer un libro. Una hormona llamada insulina asegura que el azúcar en el cuerpo tenga el equilibrio correcto. La insulina es producida por el páncreas. Si el páncreas no produce suficiente insulina, o el cuerpo no puede usar bien la insulina, el nivel de azúcar en el cuerpo se hace muy alto. Esto causa una enfermedad llamada diabetes.

Para aprender más Asociación Americana de Diabetes Centros para Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) How do I know

What if I have diabetes?

Am I at risk?

Diabetes Facts

What is diabetes? Human bodies, like engines, need fuel to work. One source of fuel we use is the glucose, or sugar, that comes from food. The right amount of sugar helps cells work right so your body can throw a baseball or read a book. A hormone called insulin makes sure the sugar balance in the body is right. It is made by the pancreas. If the pancreas doesn’t make enough insulin, or the body can’t use the insulin well, the sugar level in the blood gets too high. This causes a disease called diabetes.

1 Changes to diet and activity levels can often control Type 2 diabetes. The person may need to take pills or insulin shots too. Type 2 is found in about 90% of people with diabetes. This pamphlet is about Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes tends to happen in people over age 40 who are overweight and who have a family history of diabetes. The pancreas makes insulin, but the b dy can’t us it w ll. People with diabetes can lead normal lives and prevent serious problems if they get treatment. If diabetes isn’t treated, it can be life threatening. People with diabetes can greatly lower these risks by keeping their blood sugar under control. Is it serious? It can be. Having diabetes puts people at higher risk for: Heart and blood vessel damage Kidney dam ge Eye damage, including blindness Nerve damage Loss of feet or limbs

To Learn More American Diabetes Association C nters for Disease Control and Prev ntion

Hay dos tipos de diabetes

There are 2 main types of diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes is more common in children and people under age 30. But it can appear at any age. The pancreas of someone with Type 1 diabetes doesn’t make enough insulin. The person needs daily insulin shots. Type 1 is found in about 10% of people with diabetes.

En todas las fotos se usaron modelos profesionales. Este folleto no tiene la intención de reemplazar la opinión o el tratamiento prescripto por un profesional de la salud. Escrito por Jane Simonsen, MD. Reviewed 2016. © 2011 ETR Associates. Todos los derechos reservados. Reproducir cualquier parte de esta publicación es una violación de la ley de derechos de autor de los Estados Unidos.

Professional models were used in all photos. This brochure is not intended as a substitute for your health professional’s opinion or care. Written by Jane Simonsen, MD. Reviewed 2018. © 2011 ETR. All rights reserved. It is a violation of U.S. copyright law to reproduce any portion of this publication. Title No. 490 [18-1003-C]



Vivir con diabetes. ¿Qué es? • ¿Yo la tengo? ¿Cuáles son los síntomas?

Title No. 500

A nonprofit organization

Living with Diabetes What is it? • Do I have it? What are the symptoms?

500 Diabetes Facts SP 121416.indd 1

12/14/16 3:33 PM


Condom Facts Page 13 490 Diabetes Facts 18-1003-C.indd 1

10/3/18 8:58 AM

Diabetes Facts Page 20

Pregnancy Facts Page 15

Drug Facts Page 28

What You Need to Know About Marijuana Page 29

Wash Your Hands Page 24

More topics available at

Science-based solutions that work

Science-based products for: + Sexual & Reproductive Health + Nutrition & Physical Activity + Obesity & Chronic Disease + Health Education + Bullying, Violence & Injury Prevention + Substance Use & Addiction + Mental Health & Wellness 40 Years Experience ETR’s team of professional researchers, health educators, content specialists, and editors use the latest science, research, and evidence to produce the best health resources. Nonprofit Commitment ETR is a nonprofit, science-based research organization that invests all proceeds into promoting health education.

Health Literacy Focus ETR is dedicated to promoting health literacy. Our materials use plain language and clear design to convey complex information inclusively and respectfully. Most materials are written at the 6th-8th grade reading level and our easy-to-read materials are at the 2nd-5th grade level. Award Winning Our acclaimed materials the National Health Information Award, and the Health Literacy Award for Healthcare Advancement. ETR resources are used by thousands of health professionals nationwide. Product Partners If it’s not developed by ETR, it’s sourced from leading developers of science-based health education materials. have garnered honors such as the Web Health Award,

Affordable Our resources are extremely

affordable. In fact, we will beat all published prices on any comparable pamphlet. Take advantage of quantity discounts for our lowest prices. All materials are backed by our 100% guarantee. GSA Discounts Qualified government agencies and contractors are eligible for substantial GSA savings, plus free ground shipping and handling on most orders over $100. See if you’re eligible: ETR GSA Contract #GS-02F-0115R Need a Quote? Give us a call and we can create a same-day customized quote to maximize your health promotion budget.

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Table of Contents

Abstinence ��������������������������������������������������� 12 Alcohol ���������������������������������������������������������� 30 Birth Control & Pregnancy Prevention ���� 10 Condoms ������������������������������������������������������� 13 Curricula ��������������������������������������������������������32 Diabetes ������������������������������������������������������ 20 Drugs ����������������������������������������������������������������28 Emotional Health ����������������������������������������� 26 HealthSmart K–12 ��������������������������������������� 32 HIV ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 6 Hygiene ��������������������������������������������������������� 24

LGBTQ+ ����������������������������������������������������������� 22 Men’s & Women's Health ������������������������������ 18 Nutrition & Weight ���������������������������������������� 21 Parenting & Childcare ���������������������������������� 17 Pregnancy ������������������������������������������������������ 15 Promotional Items ���������������������������������������� 31 Safer Sex ���������������������������������������������������������� 14 STD/STI �������������������������������������������������������������� 2 K12 Title IX ������������������������������������������������������� 25 Violence Prevention �������������������������������������� 27

© 2023 ETR. All rights reserved. Professional models were used in all photos.


Cover the essentials for common STDs/STIs STD Facts and STI Facts provide an indispensable overview of 8 common sexually transmitted diseases: chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis B, HPV, herpes, HIV, syphilis, and trich. Each title covers: + How you get the STD/STI + Symptoms to watch for + What happens if you don’t get treated + The importance of getting tested + How to protect yourself

STD Facts Our best-selling pamphlet has been completely updated with the latest information and a fresh modern design. Large-Format Pamphlet English #153 Spanish #165 More languages available online!

STI Facts The same vital sexual health information found in STD Facts is now available as STI Facts for educators who prefer to use the term STI to help clients understand sexually

transmitted infections. Large-Format Pamphlet English #154 Spanish #154SP

Visit for more STD/STI materials. 800•321•4407



Be prepared with this handy pocket guide

STD: Protect Yourself

STD Facts for Teens

+ Fits easily into wallet or purse + Unfolds to reveal facts about common STDs

+ Adapted especially for teens + Delivers indispensable information about 8 common STDs + Supports condom use and stresses abstinence is the only guaranteed way to be safe + Foldout chart highlights key information Large-Format Pamphlet English #516 Spanish #517

and tips for protecting yourself + Includes a QR code that links to free online video instructions for using a condom Pocket Guide #E009 See pricing options on page 14.

Perfect for health fairs, lobbies, classrooms

STD: Protect Yourself Banner + Eye-catching banner delivers vital messages about STD + Durable 13 oz. vinyl. Over 6 1/2’ tall! + Retractable. Includes canvas carrying case Retractable Banner #K080 $229.99

STD Testing + Reassures that tests are quick and easy + Includes who should be tested + Lists cures or treatments + Chart describes tests for 8 common STDs Large-Format Pamphlet English #414 Spanish #422

QUANTITY 50 100 200 500 1K 5K+ Large-Format Pamphlets $31 $54 $96 $219 $378 Call for pricing

Visit for more STD/STI materials. 800•321•4407



Popular series targets concerns about STDs + Common symptoms + How you get the STD + What happens if you don’t get treated + The importance of getting tested + How to protect yourself

Chlamydia Pamphlet English #116 Spanish #166 Syphilis Pamphlet English #185 Spanish #R858

Gonorrhea Pamphlet English #186 Spanish #R779 Herpes Pamphlet English #117 Spanish #R778 Hepatitis B Pamphlet English #003 Spanish #R890

Vaginitis Pamphlet English #125 Spanish #218

STD Genital Warts & HPV

STD Gonorrhea

Protect yourself. What about sex?

Gonorrhea can be cured. See a health care provider.

Protect yourself. What about sex?


Talk to your health care provider about the HPV vaccine to see if it’s right for you.

It’s very important to treat gonorrhea right away.

Not having sex is the surest protection against gonorrhea and other STD. Having sex with only one uninfected partner who only has sex with you is also safe. Safer Sex • Barriers such as latex condoms and dental dams will protect you from STDs most of the time. Using them when you have vaginal, anal, or oral sex is a great way to protect yourself. • Soft plastic (polyurethane) or nitrile condoms work well and you can use them if you’re allergic to latex. These come in both external and internal styles. • Try using water-based or silicone lubes with condoms and other barriers—lube can help sex feel better and protects condoms from breaking. • Get checked for gonorrhea and other STD regularly. Ask your health care provider to help you decide how often and which tests you should have.

Not having sex is the surest protection against genital warts and other STD. Having sex with only one uninfected partner who only has sex with you is also safe. Safer Sex • Barriers such as latex condoms and dental dams will protect you from HPV when they cover the area with active virus. Using them when you have vaginal, anal, or oral sex provides good protection. • Soft plastic (polyurethane) or nitrile condoms work well and you can use them if you’re allergic to latex. These come in both external and internal styles. • Try using water-based or silicone lubes with condoms and other barriers—lube can help sex feel better and protects condoms from breaking. • Get checked for genital warts and other STD regularly. Ask your health care provider to help you decide how often and which tests you should have.

• There is a vaccine that protects against most types of HPV that cause cancer and genital warts. • The vaccine is given in 2 or 3 shots over a 6-month period. It is recommended for people between ages 9 and 26. Older adults who want to be vaccinated may also get the shots. • The vaccine works best before a person begins to have sex. But it can also protect someone who has already had sex. • People with a vagina should still have regular Pap tests even if they get the vaccine. If you have genital warts… Get checked by a health care provider. • Don’t use remedies sold in stores for removing warts from other parts of the body. They won’t work on genital warts, and may even be harmful. • Tell your sex partner(s). Your partner should be examined and treated if they have warts. • Tell your provider if you’re pregnant and you think you might have genital warts.

Genital Warts & HPV Pamphlet English #157 Spanish #R889 HPV & Cervical Cancer Pamphlet • If you have gonorrhea, your provider will give you antibiotic pills or a single shot. • If you are given pills, take all the pills. Gonorrhea may come back if you don’t. • Wait to have sex. Ask your provider how long after treatment you must wait. • Tell your sex partner(s). Your partner must be treated, too. Otherwise he or she could give gonorrhea to someone else or back to you. It felt a little awkward to talk about getting checked for STD, but it felt good to go to the clinic together.

PID Pamphlet

To Learn More CDC-INFO 1-800-232-4636

To Learn More CDC-INFO 1-800-232-4636

English #187 Spanish #217

NGU Pamphlet

Get an STD check any time you’re concerned about risk, even if you don’t have symptoms.

Professional models were used in all photos. This brochure is not intended as a substitute for your health professional’s opinion or care. Written by Kay Clark. Revised 2021. © 1987 ETR. All rights reserved. It is a violation of U.S. copyright law to reproduce any portion of this publication. Available in Spanish Title No. 157 [21-1011]

Professional models were used in all photos. This brochure is not intended as a substitute for your health professional’s opinion or care. Written by Katherine Forrest, MD. Revised 2021. © 1989 ETR. All rights reserved. It is a violation of U.S. copyright law to reproduce any portion of this publication. Available in Spanish Title No. 186 [21-0201]

English #127 Spanish #216 5




English #085 Spanish #219

Combine & Save! Get 50 each of all 10 STD pamphlets. $280 value. English #S074 $162 Spanish #S077 $162

QUANTITY 50 100 200 500 1K 5K+

$28 $49 $90 $197 $356 Call for prices $31 $54 $96 $219 $378


Large-Format Pamphlets

Visit for more STD/STI materials. 800•321•4407



Cover 3 types of hepatitis with 1 pamphlet Hepatitis ABCs + Provides an essential overview of hepatitis A, B, and C + Explains how people get each type + Covers symptoms, tests, and treatment + Tells how to protect yourself, including vaccines + Foldout chart compares main points Large-Format Pamphlet English #235 Spanish #302

Hepatitis B + Stresses that hep B is serious and can be dangerous + Explains how you get it + Describes how it’s spread and who’s at risk + Discusses how to protect yourself + Recommends getting the vaccine Pamphlet English #003 Spanish #R890 Sex Myths + Designed especially for teens to address common myths + Explains that there’s a lot of misinformation online + Suggests how to find out the truth about sex + Recommends good sources of information + Discussion guide, activity sheets, and video available online Pamphlet (with free online video)

Hepatitis C + Stresses that hep C is serious and can turn into a chronic disease + Explains how it’s passed from person to person + Emphasizes treatments that can cure hep C in 8–12 weeks + Discusses how to prevent it Pamphlet English #H271 Spanish #R942

Easy to Read

What Is HPV? + Provides easy-to-understand information about HPV + Explains that HPV often doesn’t cause problems + Discusses genital warts and cervical cancer Pamphlet

English #458 Spanish #473

English #498 Spanish #632

Visit for more STD/STI materials. 800•321•4407


The important facts in a single pamphlet One of our top-selling titles, HIV Facts is an essential tool for HIV educators. + Gives HIV prevention facts at a glance + Discusses how people get HIV and what to watch for + Emphasizes the importance of testing and steps to take after getting results + Includes information on safer sex, PrEP, PEP, and U=U

HIV Facts Large-Format Pamphlet

English #H196 Spanish #R736 More languages available online!

HIV Facts for Teens Delivers the same indispensable information about HIV, presented using language, concepts, and images to engage teens. It supports condom use, but also stresses that abstinence is the surest way to prevent HIV. Large-Format Pamphlet English #529 Spanish #541

"We love HIV Facts because it’s so thorough. We give one to every person who receives an HIV test at our agency." Meredith Short, Community Health Educator, Positive Link, Bloomington Hospital, Indiana



Prevent HIV—PrEP gives you choices

Is PrEP for You? Using PrEP to Prevent HIV


Updated! Is PrEP for You? Using PrEP to Prevent HIV

EPMe org ator g

t, PrEP

+ Provides an overview of what it means to use PrEP to reduce the risk of HIV, answering common questions + Discusses how to decide if PrEP is the right choice + Includes how to use on-demand PrEP, or PrEP 2-1-1 + Explores the difference between PrEP and PEP Pamphlet English #630 Spanish #631 Updated! Preventing HIV: PrEP Gives You Choices + Durable poster complements the pamphlet. + Provides an overview of how PrEP can reduce the risk of HIV, how to decide if PrEP is the right choice, and how to access PrEP Laminated Poster (22" x 29") #K077L $19.99 ea

all photos. substitute for your health

ts reserved. It is a violation of y portion of this publication.

Very early on, ETR recognized the role that infusing science was going to play in the HIV epidemic. This was an essential step in supporting practitioners in learning how to talk about sexual health. We embraced the notion of providing medically accurate, science-based information from the very beginning. – Dr. Karin Coyle, Chief Science Officer, ETR

U=U Undetectable = Untransmittable + Emphasizes the success of HIV treatment + Defines an undetectable viral load + Explains HIV cannot be sexually transmitted when virus is undetectable + Discusses the need to stay with treatment Pamphlet English #637 Spanish #637SP Treatment is prevention!

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Comprehensive series answers common questions

Testing at Home + Addresses the importance of testing + Provides information about different test kits + Discusses what to do if you test positive Pamphlet #543 Antibody Test + Discusses confidential vs. anonymous testing + Explains what the results mean + Suggests where to get tested Pamphlet #044 Rapid Test + Describes how the rapid test works + Discusses what results mean + Explains the counseling procedure + Choice of covers for different audiences Pamphlet #366 See more covers online

After the Test + Explains what a negative test means + Suggests what to do if you test positive + Covers how to prevent HIV Pamphlet #198 What If I’m Negative? + Explains what a negative test means + Discusses the HIV testing window + Offers steps to protect yourself Pamphlet #H274 What If I’m Positive? + Outlines steps to take after positive result + Discusses treatment + Explains how to protect yourself and others + Gives tips to stay healthy + Choice of covers for different audiences Pamphlet #197 See more covers online

Living and thriving with HIV—practical tips can make it easier to manage

Living Healthy with HIV + Lists ways to eat a healthy diet and be physically fit + Explores how to deal with stress + Discusses treatment options + Includes how to find a doctor and get services + Covers ways to have great sex with very low or no risk Large-Format Pamphlet English #508 Spanish #527



12 Reasons: Get Tested for HIV + Notes that many people with HIV don’t know they have it + Includes a risk assessment quiz + Emphasizes that anyone can get HIV + Describes the test, explains how it works, and lists places to go for testing Pamphlet #514 HIV & Hep C Living Healthy + Discusses how hepatitis C affects people with HIV + Describes hep C, how you get it, and symptoms + Tells how to lower your risk + Includes a section on caring for your liver Pamphlet #342 HIV + Sex + Provides no-risk and low risk safer sex guidelines + Discusses how to talk about sex with new and/or steady partners + Suggests PrEP as an option for serodiscordant couples + Explains how a doctor can help with HIV meds, T-cell and viral load check-ups, and more Pamphlet #530

A Leader in HIV Education

ETR was founded in 1981, the same year the first cases of AIDS were reported in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report . From its very beginning, ETR has been a leader in education, training, and research on HIV. Over the past four decades, ETR has developed and delivered hundreds of publications, programs, and research/ evaluation studies on HIV. We have taken on projects that resonate with our core values, including: • Teaching AIDS Training Project • Central Coast HIV Prevention Network • You-Me-Us • Reducing the Risk • Tabono Project • Transgender Leadership Institute • Survive Outside • Bridge Project • International Advocacy in the South ETR published some of the first non-governmental medically accurate information on HIV/AIDS, offering pamphlets, articles, and even a school-based curriculum as early as 1986. It was a bold step at the time. — Dr. Vignetta Charles Chief Executive Officer, ETR

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Birth Control & Pregnancy Prevention

Our popular Birth Control Facts pamphlets cover: + Most popular methods in order of effectiveness + Chances of not getting pregnant + Advantages and health concerns + Level of protection from HIV/STD + Questions to help them decide on a method + Emergency birth control options Guide them through the choices

Updated! Birth Control Facts Covers IUD, implant, Depo Provera, pill/patch/ring, condoms, diaphragm, natural family planning/fertility awareness method, foam/suppositories/films, and sterilization. Large-Format Pamphlet English #137 Spanish #148 More languages available online! Birth Control Facts for Teens Designed especially for teens, covers abstinence, IUD, implant, Depo-Provera, pill/patch/ring, condoms, diaphragm, and foam/ suppositories/films. Large-Format Pamphlet

English #R811 Spanish #292

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Birth Control & Pregnancy Prevention


So many options! Multiple formats deliver facts about birth control

Emergency Contraception + Explains what EC is and when it can be used + Describes emergency contraceptive pills and the copper-T IUD + Discusses timing, effectiveness, cost, and side effects + Answers common questions Pamphlet

Perfect for health fairs, lobbies, and classrooms consider about contraception + Durable 13 oz. vinyl + Includes canvas carrying case Retractable Banner (32.5" x 80") #K081 $229.99 Birth Control Methods A Quick Guide + Presents birth control methods in order of effectiveness + Includes up-to-date information on LARCs (Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives) Booklet (8.5" x 5.5" cardstock) #H980 $29.99 A Review of the Methods + PowerPoint presentation in English and Spanish covers Quick Guide content PowerPoint (For PC & Mac) #R062 Flash Drive $59.99 Birth Control Banner + Introduces questions to

English #R019 Spanish #R827

Find Your Birth Control Match + Emphasizes that there are many kinds of birth control + Encourages people to keep trying until they find the right match + Discusses the benefits of various methods + Provides practical, common sense tips for choosing a method Pamphlet #547

Implants & IUDs: Easy Birth Control That Works + Explains why implants and IUDs are good choices for young people + Emphasizes how effectively they prevent pregnancy + Addresses common myths + Encourages also using condoms to protect against STD Pamphlet #546

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Help youth acquire the skills to resist sexual pressure and make healthy decisions about relationships

Abstinence Facts Explains that it's important for people to take care of their sexual health whether they choose to have sex or not. + Lists benefits of abstinence and tips for waiting + Includes a "Will It Work for You?" quiz + Discusses qualities that make a relationship healthy + Includes information about HPV vaccine Large-Format Pamphlet #119 Abstinence: A Smart Choice Complements Abstinence Facts pamphlet Laminated Poster (22" x 29") #K078L $19.99 ea

101 101 Ways to Make Love Without Doin’ It ® Lists fun alternatives to sex including taking a walk together, talking about your feelings, and eating dinner by candlelight. Pamphlet English #063 Spanish #H101 101 Ways to Say NO to Sex

Lists emphatic ways to say no to sex including "Let’s ask my parents," "I said No and I mean it," and "I don’t want to get pregnant." Pamphlet #H102 101 Reasons to Be Abstinent Lists benefits of not having sex including that it's the surest way to prevent pregnancy and STD, reduced stress, and a chance to learn about commitment. Pamphlet #H264

Visit for more abstinence materials. 800•321•4407



Condoms are great at preventing HIV/STD and unintended pregnancy

Condom Facts + Why use condoms and where to find them + How to choose and use them + Talking to a partner + Practicing to get comfortable Large-Format Pamphlet English #526 Spanish #539

Condom Facts Poster + Details 10 things to know about choosing and using condoms + Complements Condom Facts Pamphlet Laminated Poster (22" x 29") #K057L $19.99 ea

ConDEMO + Innovative alternative for demonstration and skill practice activities + Made of nylon, with oversized yet realistic condom packaging + Can be used on a standard size water bottle to show every step of proper condom use Sold in a pack of 15 with an Educator Guide #T057 $29.99 Using Condoms Side 1: External (Male) Condom Side 2: Internal (Female) Condom + Features detailed illustrated instructions for using both kinds of condoms + Explains the benefits of using each kind + Includes tips for making condoms sexy Pamphlet #540

Problems with Condoms What to Do if the Condom Breaks, Leaks or Slips Off + Describes condom effectiveness + Suggests what to do if a condom fails during sex + Explains how to use emergency contraception + Discusses the importance of STD testing Pamphlet #636 12 Reasons: Use Condoms to Make Sex Better + Suggests that condoms can be fun and sexy + Explains how using condoms can build trust + Points out that condoms help prevent pregnancy and STDs + Shows how to use a condom correctly Pamphlet #520

"I love it! I would love to see this in our districts!" - Sanford Johnson, Deputy Director of Advocacy, Mississippi First

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Safer Sex


Condoms: Hot Tips + Unfolds to reveal great tips on using condoms to make sex better + Discusses condom care, lubes, and talking to your partner Pocket Guide Safer Sex: Hot Sex + Offers tips on making sex relaxed and safe + Reviews safer sex basics + Encourages talking, being playful, and exploring touch Pocket Guide #E007 English #E001 Spanish #E008 More languages available online!



100 200 500 1K 5K+

Pocket Guides $1.08 ea ($54)

$1.02 ea ($102)

97¢ ea ($194)

88¢ ea ($440)

78¢ ea ($781)


9 Sexually Responsible Behaviors + Shows why responsible choices make sense + Encourages staying informed about birth control and STD + Suggests getting friendly with condoms + Stresses clear communication about “yes” and “no” + Supports living by your values and taking steps to protect yourself Pamphlet #310 6 Things You May Not Know About Oral Sex + Explains that STD can be passed during oral sex + Provides tips on how to protect yourself + Encourages conscious choices + Recommends discussing oral sex with a partner + Stresses that it’s always OK to say no to oral sex Pamphlet #413

12 Reasons: Let’s Talk Before We Have Sex + Discusses good reasons for talking with your partner + Offers tips to help you get started + Describes STD basics + Encourages people to get tested Pamphlet #515

HIV + Sex + Explains that people with HIV can have great sex safely + Provides no-risk and low-risk safer sex guidelines + Discusses how to talk about sex with new and/or steady partners + Suggests PrEP as an option for serodiscordant couples + Talks about how a doctor can help with HIV meds, T-cell and viral load check-ups, and more Pamphlet #530

Visit for more materials. 800•321•4407



Having a healthy pregnancy is one of the best ways to have a healthy birth



During my third month, I heard my baby’s heartbeat!

Pregnancy Facts + Comprehensive overview details body changes and blood to see if you’ve had rubella (German measles). If you get rubella during pregnancy, it can cause problems for your baby.

to show a picture of the baby. It may be done if the baby seems too small or too large, or if you have bleeding or other problems. • Alpha Fetal Protein test for problems with the baby’s brain, spine and stomach. It’s done between weeks 15 and 18. • Group B strep test from your vagina and rectum. Untreated group B strep can cause pneumonia or meningitis in your baby.

cervix. Some cells will be taken from your cervix and checked to make sure they’re normal.

• Pap test checks for cancer of the

checks your

type and checks whether your blood is Rh positive or negative. If you’re Rh negative you’ll need a special shot at 7 months or right after the baby is born. • Rubella titer test

checks cells

gonorrhea and chlamydia.

• STD tests check for syphilis,

have hepatitis B. If you do, your baby can get a vaccine within 12 hours of birth. This will greatly reduce the chance your baby will get Hepatitis B. causes AIDS. If you have HIV, you can take medicine to greatly reduce the chance of passing it to your baby.

how the baby grows in each trimester + Offers tips for a healthy pregnancy • Hematocrit or hemoglobin test checks how many red blood cells you have. These cells carry oxygen to your baby. This test is done again in your seventh month.


• HIV test checks for the virus that

• Blood type test shows your blood

• Hepatitis test checks to see if you

• Ultrasound uses sound waves

Tests Done at Your First Visit

+ Covers ways to ease common pregnancy conditions + Folds out to a chart that illustrates stages of fetal development Large-Format Pamphlet English #183 Spanish #R737 You’ll answer questions health, the baby’s father’s health and your family’s health. You’ll be asked the date of your last period and about any other pregnancies. You’ll have a checkup. will weigh you and take your blood pressure. He or she will check your heart, lungs, breasts, belly and the area around your vagina. You’ll have a pelvic exam. provider will check your cervix (the bottom part of your uterus). This is to see how far along your pregnancy is.

You May Have

Other Tests

Your can be checked. Sugar, protein, bacteria or blood in your urine can be a sign of problems. This is done at every visit. • Your blood pressure will be need other tests to find out what the problem is.

checked. If it gets too high, you may

before each visit.


Your provider blood sample will be taken and used for several tests. You’ll have a urine test and a Pap test. You may have a TB test and tests for sexually transmitted disease (STD), including HIV. You’ll learn your due date. provider will talk to you about how to have a healthy pregnancy. This is a good time to ask questions.

write down your questions

You may want to

so your urine • You’ll be asked about your health and any concerns. any changes or anything you’re worried about. • Your tummy will be measured check the size of your uterus. This shows how your baby is growing.

your baby is growing. • You’ll urinate in a cup


A small What to Expect at Later Visits • You’ll be weighed at every visit. The right amount of weight gain shows that you’re eating well and

You’ll have some tests.


about your

What to Expect at Your First Visit

Prenatal Care

What Is Prenatal Care?

Danger Signs Call your health care provider if you have: • Bleeding from the vagina. • Swelling of your face and hands. • Bad pain in your abdomen. • A fever over 100 degrees. • Burning when you urinate. • Decreased fetal movement or fewer than 10 kicks in 2 hours after the 28th week. • Vomiting or diarrhea that lasts more than 24 hours. • Fluid leaking from your vagina. • Pain or pressure in your belly or back that gets stronger over several hours. • Bad headaches. • Blurry eyesight.

Prenatal care is the health care you get when you’re pregnant. You can get prenatal care from a doctor, nurse practitioner or nurse midwife. Another name for all these people is “health care provider.” Checkups should start as soon as you think you might be pregnant: • In your first 6 months, you’ll usually get a checkup once a month. • In months 7 and 8, you’ll go twice a month. • In your last month, you’ll go every week.

There are many reasons to get prenatal care.

Prenatal Care + Gives a thorough overview of prenatal care + Discusses why it’s so critical + Covers nutrition and danger signs that require immediate medical attention Large-Format Pamphlet English #087 Spanish #033

• Your provider can check your health and take care of any problems before they become serious. • Your provider can make sure your baby is growing well. • Some important tests are done while you’re pregnant to check your health and your baby’s health. • Prenatal visits give you a chance to ask questions and to learn about your pregnancy. You can get prenatal care from many places: • the public health department • county hospitals • family planning clinics • a private doctor If you don’t know where to go, call your local public health department for help.

I know it’s important to get prenatal care to keep my baby and me healthy.

Professional models were used in all photos. This brochure is not intended as a substitute for your health professional’s opinion or care. Written by Jane Hiatt. Reviewed 2019. Revised 2006. © 1991 ETR. All rights reserved. It is a violation of U.S. copyright law to reproduce any portion of this publication. Title No. 087 [19-0430]

Prenatal care gives you the best chance of having a healthy baby.


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Trimester Series This series covers all the stages of pregnancy. Each pamphlet includes: + Fetal development in that trimester + Relief from common conditions + Warning signs to watch for + Common emotional experiences 1st Trimester Pamphlet #R327

2nd Trimester Pamphlet #R328 3rd Trimester Pamphlet #R329

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