ETR Spring 2023 Health Curricula Catalog

Sexual & Reproductive Health

These programs come bundled with virtual Training of Educators! Curriculum trainings utilize a research-based approach to the acquisition of knowledge and development of skills, followed by the implementation of the program and educator self-reflection. ETR trainers engage learners through proven teaching strategies, interactive activities, modeling, and follow-up support.

Making Proud Choices! An evidence-based, safer-sex

approach to teen pregnancy and HIV/STI prevention. Provides adolescents with the knowledge, confidence and skills necessary to reduce their risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), HIV and pregnancy by abstaining from sex or using condoms if they choose to have sex. It is based on cognitive-behavioral theories, focus groups, and the authors' extensive experience working with youth.


The curriculum can be adapted to create a school version with 14 shorter modules that will fit a school schedule. The California

Edition of Making Proud Choices is designed to meet the requirements of the California Healthy Youth Act and can provide additional comprehensive sexual health education content. Also available in a print version only are a Spanish-language edition, and a 10-module adaptation for Youth in Out-of-Home Care. The videos included with the curriculum are presented in English with Spanish subtitles available. Available in both print and digital.

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Includes training!

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