ETR Fall/Winter 2022 Health Promotion Catalog

Violence Prevention


ETR’s “Yes means Yes” products support affirmative consent policies

Yes Means Yes What Is Affirmative Consent? + Defines the affirmative consent standard that forms the basis of some sexual assault policies + Describes how to set limits and give or deny consent + Discusses how enthusiastic consent can be part of a healthy sexual relationship + Stresses that avoiding alcohol and other drugs helps people stay safer Pamphlet #557 Yes Means Yes Poster + Designed to quickly explain sexual consent + Introduces the concept of sexual consent as a definite “yes” from both partners + Encourages clear communication around sexual relationships Laminated Poster (22" x 29") #K075L $19.99 ea

Teaching Affirmative Consent A lesson plan and teaching guide + Gives middle and high school youth the basic facts about affirmative consent + Helps establish a culture where consent is the norm + Can be taught prior to evidence-based programs that don’t include specific information on consent Book #A534 $24.99

Yes Means Yes Banner + Durable 13 oz. vinyl + Includes canvas carrying case Retractable Banner (32.5" x 80") #K083 $229.99

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