ETR Fall/Winter 2022 Health Promotion Catalog
IN . clued + Addresses the sexual health disparities affecting LGBTQ+ youth across the United States + Combines LGBTQ+ youth-friendly health services with direct, relevant, and inclusive sex education Curricula #N220 $599.99 Orientation + Developed by the Center for Sex Education + Designed to expand ways to think and teach about sexual orientation + Can supplement existing curricula or be used in a community setting Book #A557 $129.99 Pronoun Pins + Colorful 1.5-inch pins promote everyone's personal pronouns + Includes 25 of each: she/ her/hers, he/him/his, they/them/theirs, and ask my pronouns Pins #N203 $59.99 Q Cards + Helps queer and trans youth have open, honest conversations with health care providers + Includes tips for providers to offer more sensitive care to queer youth Card #N201 $19.99
Support for LGBTQ+ Communities
LGBTQ+ youth are often left out of sex education through
outdated language, assumptions made by educators, and a lack of comfort around LGBTQ+ topics. ETR's training specialists focus on providing content that is affirming and inclusive of all genders and sexual orientations. ETR is committed to increasing educator comfort and decreasing stigma in all its forms. - Kelly Gainor, ETR Training Manager ETR offers both LGBTQ+-inclusive and LGBTQ+-centered curricula and health promotion materials in sexual health, school health, and tobacco education. We also provide evaluation services to LGBTQ+-youth serving organizations,
and professional development institutes with people of trans experience.
Visit for more LGBTQ+ materials. 800•321•4407
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