ETR Fall/Winter 2022 Health Curricula Catalog
Substance Use Prevention
Project TNT Towards No Tobacco Use (Grades 5–9)
An evidence-based, comprehensive 10-day curriculum proven effective in helping young teens say no to smoking and other tobacco use. It features the latest updates on the epidemiology of tobacco-related diseases, prevalence of smoking and other tobacco use among youth, and risk factors related to tobacco use, The program was designed to prevent teen tobacco use by changing preconceptions about tobacco and by teaching decision-making, refusal, and communication skills. Enough Snuff An award-winning self-help cessation program for designed for high school students and adult users of smokeless tobacco. The program has been evaluated in clinical trials and found to be a very effective way to quit and stay quit. The updated 9th edition of this effective program includes the most current information about nicotine replacement, prescription medication, and chew substitutes. The guide helps users assess their dependence, motivation, reasons for quitting, preferred quit method, and ways to cope with withdrawal.
Enough Snuff Military Edition of the effective Enough Snuff program adapted specifically for military personnel and veterans. It includes the most current information about nicotine replacement, prescription medication and chew substitutes.
Over 3% of adults and 5% of youth in the United States are smokeless tobacco users. Among adult men, nearly 7% currently use smokeless. As many as 80% of the people who use smokeless tobacco have tried to quit, only to find it’s not an easy habit to break.
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