ETR Fall/Winter 2022 Health Curricula Catalog
Sexual & Reproductive Health
All4You! & All4You2! A program to prevent HIV, other STD and pregnancy designed specifically for use with students ages 14–18 (Grades 9–12) in alternative education settings. The primary goal of All4You! is to reduce the risk of HIV, other STD, and
Be Proud! Be Responsible! Be Protective!
An adaptation of the Be Proud! Be Responsible! program that targets adolescent mothers and pregnant girls. The curriculum emphasizes the role of maternal protectiveness in
motivating adolescents to make healthy sexual decisions and decrease risky sexual behavior. It also encourages adolescents to take on sexual responsibility and accountability, and increases awareness of the effects of HIV on inner-city communities and their children.
pregnancy by reducing the number of students who have unprotected sexual intercourse (either by increasing condom use and use of other protection or by reducing sexual intercourse). The program also aims to change key determinants related to sexual risk taking, such as attitudes, beliefs, and perceived norms. All4You! consists of both skills-based classroom lessons and 5 service-learning visits in the community. All4You2! is an approved adaptation that consists of 15 skills-based classroom lessons, and does not include a service-learning component.
Support at-risk teens with programs that address their needs.
Visit to learn more. 800•321•4407
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