ETR 2021 Health Promotion Catalog



Prevent HIV—PrEP gives you choices

Is PrEP for You? Using PrEP to Prevent HIV

+ Explains how using PrEP can reduce the risk of HIV + Discusses how to decide if PrEP is the right choice + Answers common questions and concerns + Includes information on how to pay for it + Explores the difference between PrEP and PEP Pamphlet English #630 Spanish #631 Preventing HIV: PrEP Gives You Choices + Durable poster complements the pamphlet. + Provides an overview of how PrEP can reduce the risk of HIV, how to decide if PrEP is the right choice, and how to access PrEP Laminated Poster (22" x 29") #K077L $19.99 ea

Very early on, ETR recognized the role that infusing science was going to play in the HIV epidemic. This was an essential step in supporting practitioners in learning how to talk about sexual health. We embraced the notion of providing medically accurate, science-based information from the very beginning. – Dr. Karin Coyle, Chief Science Officer, ETR

U=U Undetectable = Untransmittable + Emphasizes the success of HIV treatment + Defines an undetectable viral load + Explains HIV cannot be sexually transmitted when virus is undetectable + Discusses the need to stay with treatment Pamphlet English #637 Spanish #637SP Treatment is prevention!

QUANTITY 50 100 200 500 1K 5K+

$24 $45 $86 $193 $352 Call for prices $27 $50 $92 $215 $374


Large-Format Pamphlets

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