ETR 2021 Health Promotion Catalog
Popular series targets concerns about STDs + Common symptoms + How you get the STD + What happens if you don’t get treated + The importance of getting tested + How to protect yourself
Chlamydia Pamphlet English #116 Spanish #166 Syphilis Pamphlet English #185 Spanish #R858
Gonorrhea Pamphlet English #186 Spanish #R779 Herpes Pamphlet English #117 Spanish #R778 Hepatitis B Pamphlet English #003 Spanish #R890
Vaginitis Pamphlet English #125 Spanish #218
PID Pamphlet
Genital Warts & HPV Pamphlet English #157 Spanish #R889 HPV & Cervical Cancer Pamphlet
English #187 Spanish #217
NGU Pamphlet
English #127 Spanish #216
English #085 Spanish #219
Combine & Save! Get 50 each of all 10 STD pamphlets. $240 value. English #S074 $162 Spanish #S077 $162
QUANTITY 50 100 200 500 1K 5K+
$24 $45 $86 $193 $352 Call for prices $27 $50 $92 $215 $374
Large-Format Pamphlets
Visit for more STD/STI materials. 800•321•4407
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