ETR 2021 Health Promotion Catalog

having too much to drink is to sleep off

feel better so you can “start over” and

differently because they’re smaller

Old attitude: The best way to deal with

Old attitude: Throwing up will make you

Old attitude: Alcohol affects women

The morning after

Sobering up

Gender differences



Staying in control can mean a better time, and a better morning after



The trouble with tolerance When it comes to drinking, tolerance isn’t a good thing. • People with tolerance can drink more alcohol without feeling the expected effects. They’re not less drunk—they just feel less drunk. • Someone with tolerance reaches the same blood alcohol level as someone without tolerance. • Tolerance can give a person a false sense of security and can be a sign that drinking is becoming a problem. • If you think you might have a drinking problem, consider talking to a counselor or health care provider.


Drinking Facts + Covers gender differences, sobering up, hangovers, mixed drinks, and more + Offers tips for drinking moderately or not drinking + Describes risky drinking and tells how to avoid it + Includes a chart on how to minimize the negative consequences of drinking Large-Format Pamphlet #R843 Help people make smart choices about drinking

Attitudes are changing Drinking and fun used to go hand in hand in many people’s minds. But that old idea is changing.

Many people today believe… You don’t have to drink to have a good time Studies show that many people don’t drink at all, or drink only once in a while. You most definitely don’t have to drink to have fun! If you do decide to drink, you may also find that... You can drink without getting drunk You can drink in a way that will maxi- mize the positive things you get from drinking and minimize the negative.

In fact, negative consequences from drinking can span a range of problems and basically show that… Getting drunk can really suck If you or someone you know has experienced some of the problems drinking can cause, you already know

they’re not fun. Who wants to: • Puke?

Professional models were used in all photos. This brochure is not intended as a substitute for your health professional’s opinion or care. Written by Jason Kilmer, PhD. Reviewed 2019. Revised 2016. © 2000 ETR. All rights reserved. It is a violation of U.S. copyright law to reproduce any portion of this publication. Title No. R843 [18-1218]

• Injure yourself, or someone else? • Say or do something embarrassing? • Not remember the embarrassing thing you did...but everyone else does? • Have a major hangover?


A little planning and a few smart skills can keep you out of situations that might lead to problems.



R843 Drinking Facts 18-1218.indd 1

Binge Drinking + Explains what it is and why it’s dangerous + Covers tolerance, blackouts, and long-term risks + Discusses effect on blood alcohol level + Makes the connection between binge drinking and alcoholism + Offers tips for drinking responsibly Pamphlet #R018 If a Friend Drinks Too Much + Helps people decide when to speak to a friend about drinking + Suggests ways to talk without lecturing or criticizing + Describes how to keep expectations realistic + Includes tips for taking care of yourself + Lists resources for help Pamphlet #062

What You Need to Know About Alcohol + Explains what alcohol is + Outlines its negative effects on the body and in prenatal development + Covers addiction + Discusses increased risks of injury Pamphlet English #079 Spanish #079SP

Easy to Read

What’s a Drink? + Defines a standard drink in simple language + Discusses the alcohol content of wine, beer, liquor, and mixed drinks + Illustrates how different drinks contain the same amount of alcohol + Suggests ways to set a limit and stay under it Pamphlet #477

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