ETR 2021 Health Promotion Catalog

Puberty & Reproductive Anatomy

Help people make informed decisions about their sexual health.

Reproductive Anatomy & Sexual Health A Quick Guide + Provides basic facts about reproductive anatomy + Describes the process of fertilization and how birth control prevents it + Clarifies ways to promote sexual health, such as vaccinations, regular exams, and practicing safer sex Booklet (8.5" x 5.5" sturdy cardstock) #H985 $29.99 A Review of the Facts + PowerPoint presentation covers the reproductive anatomy and health content found in Quick Guide + Includes customizable presentations in English and Spanish PowerPoint (For both PC & Mac) #R065 Flash Drive $59.99

New! Wait, What? Growing Up + Graphic novel covers essential topics for preteens and young teens about their changing bodies and feelings + Uses comics, activities, and examples to give encouragement and context + Inclusive of genders and sexual orientations + Designed for students ages 9-14 in grades 4-8 Booklet #A583 $11.99

The Basics of Reproductive Health with plans for 1, 2 or 3 lessons + Gives middle and high school youth the basic facts about the reproductive systems and pregnancy + Offers lesson plan options tailored to the time available and the needs of your students + Can be taught prior to evidence-based programs that don’t include specific information on anatomy Book #A229 $24.99

Visit for more materials. 800•321•4407

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