ETR 2021 Health Promotion Catalog
Middle School • HealthSmart
Abstinence, Puberty & Personal Health + Disease prevention + Talking about sexuality + Reproductive systems + Taking care of sexual health + Benefits of abstinence + Influences on abstinence + Resisting sexual pressure Print #H082 Digital #H082DE Emotional & Mental Health + Dimensions of health + Building healthy relationships + Expressing feelings + Getting help
Nutrition & Physical Activity + Nutrients + MyPlate and serving sizes + Food labels + Healthy snacking + Keeping food safe to eat + Physical activity + Body image, eating disorders Print #H084 Digital #H084DE Tobacco, Alcohol & Other Drug Prevention + Tobacco, alcohol, opioids, and marijuana + Experimentation and addiction + Consequences of drug use + Influences on drug use + Media and peer pressure + Helping peers be drug free Print #H085 Digital #H085DE Violence & Injury Prevention + Risks and unintentional injury + Motor vehicle injuries + Safety rules and safety gear + Resisting dares
+ Dealing with grief + Managing stress
+ Making healthy decisions Print #H081 Digital #H081DE
HIV, STI & Pregnancy Prevention
+ Healthy romantic relationships + Sexual identity and stereotyping + Reproduction and pregnancy + STI and HIV facts + Making sexual health decisions + Resisting sexual pressure + Condom use Print #H086 Digital #H086DE
+ Making safe decisions + Bullying/cyberbullying + Conflict resolution Print #H083 Digital #H083DE
Flexible Solutions Choose individual subject modules or the complete middle school health education program.
starting price $189 99 per subject
Complete program $999 99 Print #H080 Digital #H080DE
Student Workbooks for Middle School Having their own workbooks helps keep students engaged and provides educators with a complete portfolio of student work for review and assessment. Workbooks are available in classroom sets of 30 or smaller sets of 5.
Visit for more materials. 800•321•4407 For information, samples, quotes, or pricin call 800•321•4407.
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