ETR 2021 Health Promotion Catalog
Grades K–5 • HealthSmart
Grade K + Feelings and people who care + Body signals, getting help + Pedestrian, passenger safety + Bullying prevention + Healthy eating + Physical activity + Tobacco prevention Print #H500 Digital #H500DE + Dressing for the weather + Playground and fire safety + Bullying and abuse prevention + Eating breakfast, drinking water + Physical activity + Tobacco prevention Print #H501 Digital #H501DE Grade 2 + Troublesome feelings + Preventing colds + Traffic, water, and bicycle safety + Bullying prevention Grade 1 + Hygiene and sleep
Grade 3 + Healthy relationships + Avoiding germs + Using medicines correctly + Being safety smart + Bullying and abuse prevention + Healthy eating and activity + Tobacco and alcohol prevention Print #H503 Digital #H503DE
Grade 4 + Managing stress
+ Protecting vision and hearing + Assessing risks, resisting dares + Resolving conflict + Food groups, physical activity + Tobacco and alcohol prevention + Puberty and growing up Print #H504 Digital #H504DE
Grade 5 + Emotional health
+ Getting accurate information + Fights and bullying prevention + Media messages and violence + Healthy eating, physical activity + Alcohol prevention + Puberty, anatomy, abstinence Print #H505 Digital #H505DE
+ Healthy snacking + Physical activity + Tobacco prevention Print #H502 Digital #H502DE
Flexible Solutions Choose individual grades or the complete K–5 health education program.
Grades K-2 $129 99 per grade
Grades 3-5 $149 99 per grade
Complete program $769 99 Print #H506 Digital #H506DE
Student Workbooks for Grades 3–5 Having their own workbooks helps keep students engaged and provides educators with a complete portfolio of student work for review and assessment. Workbooks are available in classroom sets of 30 or smaller sets of 5.
For information, samples, quotes, or pricing call 800•321•4407.
Made with FlippingBook Ebook Creator