2025 TECC Catalog Supplement

Revised Materials Our recently revised materials find fresh new ways to support your education and outreach efforts. We have updated our materials on vaping to feature some of the more popular emerging products. Audiences include the state’s priority populations, parents and other caring adults who want to prevent nicotine addiction among youth, and landlords and managers considering smokefree policies for multi-unit housing.

REVISED Vaping Facts

REVISED The Real Costs of Vaping This fact card addresses the “real costs” of vaping—including the up-front costs, the health costs, and the social and emotional costs. Includes information about how to get free, confidential help to quit using tobacco from Kick It California. Also available in Spanish (J995SP) and as a poster (J996) . Audience Alternative tobacco users and vape users, Teens, Youth, Young adults Fact Card 4” x 6” #J995 The simple design of this fact card clearly highlights the harmful effects of vaping. It discusses the dangers of nicotine, especially for young people, and of breathing secondhand vape aerosol. The item provides information for Kick It California’s vaping cessation services. Also available in Spanish (J941SP) . Audience Alternative tobacco users and vape users, Youth, Young adults, General Fact Card 8.5” x 5.5” #J941 Printed copies of this fact card are available free of charge to CTPP-funded agencies and non-profit organizations in California. Limits apply.

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