2025 TECC Catalog Supplement
New Materials continued
NEW Smokefree Worksites Keep Everyone Healthier, Spanish In 1995, California became the first state to ban smoking in indoor workplaces, but state laws do not cover outdoor worksites. This Spanish language brochure provides information on the health risks of secondhand smoke and vape aerosol and discusses how smokefree policies protect workers and their loved ones. It encourages workers to advocate for smokefree policies and offers resources for people who would like to quit using tobacco products. Also available in English (J379) .
Did you know that this material, and others, can be personalized? Visit our MatBuilder home page to learn more and to explore your options!
Audience Hispanic and Latino, Adults, General Brochure 8.5” x 11” #J379SP
NEW Fresh Air, Fresh Eats: Smokefree Outdoor Dining, Spanish This Spanish-language fact sheet talks about the benefits of smokefree outdoor dining. Ideal for engaging with owners and managers of eating establishments, and local policymakers. Also available in English (J115) and Arabic (J115AR) . Did you know that this material, and others, can be personalized? Visit our MatBuilder home page to learn more and to explore your options!
Audience Hispanic and Latino, Adults, General Fact Sheet 8.5” x 11” #J115SP
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