2025 TECC Catalog Supplement
New Materials continued
NEW You Can Quit: Quitting Commercial Tobacco Is Healing This fact sheet for American Indian and Alaska Native audiences is designed to promote the mental health benefits of quitting commercial tobacco. The fact sheet discusses the difference between traditional and commercial tobacco and emphasizes how toxic commercial tobacco is. Studies show that quitting commercial tobacco not only helps to heal your lungs and heart, but it also improves recovery from substance use disorders, decreases depression and stress, and improves the effectiveness of some psychiatric medications.
Audience American Indian and Alaska Native, Adults Fact Sheet 8.5” x 11” #J106
NEW You Can Quit: Quitting Tobacco Benefits Mental Health, Spanish This fact sheet is designed to promote the mental health benefits of quitting tobacco. Over 70% of people with a mental health condition who use tobacco products would like to quit. Studies show that quitting tobacco not only helps to heal your lungs and heart, but it also improves recovery from substance use disorders, decreases depression and stress, and improves the effectiveness of some psychiatric medications. Also available in English (J376) and for American Indian and Alaska Native audiences (J106) .
Audience Hispanic and Latino, Adults, General Fact Sheet 8.5” x 11” #J376SP
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