2025 TECC Catalog Supplement
Who We Are The Tobacco Education Clearinghouse of California (TECC), a project of ETR, is a statewide technical assistance provider dedicated to supporting the development and distribution of effective educational materials and social media messaging. Our services are available to California Tobacco Prevention Program (CTPP)-funded projects at no cost. Our Services
Trainings Learn best practices and tips related to material development and social media messaging for your work in tobacco education and prevention. Resources Access our Social Media Toolkit, Social Media Message Library, Tobacco-Free Image Galleries, Newsletter, and other resources!
Ready-to-Use Educational Materials Download high-quality, ready-to-print brochures, fact sheets, and more, available in multiple languages about various tobacco prevention topics. MatBuilder This free online tool allows TECC website users to customize select TECC materials and create PDFs to download and save. Options include colors, images, and languages. Technical Assistance (TA) We collaborate with funded projects to develop culturally relevant educational materials and social media messaging. • Educational Materials: Get personalized TA for educational material development, including copy editing, graphic design, translation, and more. • Social Media: Get comprehensive support to grow your organic social media presence with platform intros, social media plans, functionality assistance, and more.
Sign up for a free and secure TECC.org account for full access to our resources by visiting tecc.org/my-account.
Download materials for FREE : tecc.org | Request a custom printing quote: 1-800-258-9090 2
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