2025 TECC Catalog Supplement
FREE Materials Av ai lable to Order
STAKE Act Materials
These materials can be ordered by retailers, law enforcement agencies, local tobacco retail licensing agencies, and CDPH/ CTPP-funded agencies. Orders are limited to 1,000 pieces annually for each piece. Visit tecc.org/stake-materials order-form/
The Sale of Tobacco Products to Persons Under 21 Years of Age Is Prohibited by Law and Subject to Penalties To Report an Unlawful Tobacco Sale Call 1-800-5 ASK-4-ID
Valid Identification May Be Required Business and Professions Code Section 22952 21 U.S.C 387f(d) This sign must be readable by the consumer and must not be altered, covered or obliterated in whole or in part
• Open camera or QR code reader on your smartphone. • Hold your smartphone over QR Code so that it’s clearly visible within camera screen. • Look for the notification banner or tap to trigger code’s action.
Additional Materials The following materials are available free of charge to CTPP-funded projects and non-profits in California to support healthy, tobacco-free communities. Quantities are limited to 1,000 total pieces per order and 3,000 total pieces per calendar year per agency. Visit tecc.org/additional-materials order-form/
¿Cuál crees que mata más gente?
Healthy Moms, Healthy Kids. Madres Sanas, Niños Sanos.
Para ayuda gratis, llama al 1-800 -600-8191 Con más de 400,000 muertes al año, el cigarrillo mata a mucha más gente que la cocaína y la heroína juntas. Deja de fumar, antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
©2014 Departamento de Salud Pública de California
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