2025 TECC Catalog Supplement
F or a Thriving CALIFORNIA
TECC supports a clean environment and healthy communities for all Californians! Our new and revised materials are designed to support a vibrant future for everyone.
Who We Are The Tobacco Education Clearinghouse of California (TECC), a project of ETR, is a statewide technical assistance provider dedicated to supporting the development and distribution of effective educational materials and social media messaging. Our services are available to California Tobacco Prevention Program (CTPP)-funded projects at no cost. Our Services
Trainings Learn best practices and tips related to material development and social media messaging for your work in tobacco education and prevention. Resources Access our Social Media Toolkit, Social Media Message Library, Tobacco-Free Image Galleries, Newsletter, and other resources!
Ready-to-Use Educational Materials Download high-quality, ready-to-print brochures, fact sheets, and more, available in multiple languages about various tobacco prevention topics. MatBuilder This free online tool allows TECC website users to customize select TECC materials and create PDFs to download and save. Options include colors, images, and languages. Technical Assistance (TA) We collaborate with funded projects to develop culturally relevant educational materials and social media messaging. • Educational Materials: Get personalized TA for educational material development, including copy editing, graphic design, translation, and more. • Social Media: Get comprehensive support to grow your organic social media presence with platform intros, social media plans, functionality assistance, and more.
Sign up for a free and secure TECC.org account for full access to our resources by visiting tecc.org/my-account.
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3 ways to customize! Many of our materials can be customized with your project name, contact information, and logo.
Fillable PDFs. Some materials allow you to add your own contact information. Simply download the PDF, enter your information in the fillable field, then print as usual.
MatBuilder. Our web-based tool allows you to personalize select TECC material templates. See page 14 for more information.
Technical Assistance (TA). CTPP-funded projects can submit a TA ticket using MatTrack. Our designers can customize almost any material in our catalog.
3 ways to print! Our site hosts free, high-quality, ready-to-use materials covering a wide range of topics. The materials are designed for diverse audiences in a variety of formats and languages.
Download the "Office Printing" file and follow the online directions to print the PDF file on your office printer. Some files work best on glossy paper or cardstock.
Download the "Professional Printing" file and send the PDF file to your local professional printer for printing, trimming, and assembly.
Contact our printing partner ETR at 1-800-258-9090 for a custom printing quote. ETR will professionally print and assemble your materials and ship them directly to you.
Connect with us! Online: tecc.org Email: help@tecc.org Phone: (800) 258-9090
Subscribe to our TECC Newsletter
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New Materials Our new materials address nicotine pouches, an emerging product, as well as tobacco retail laws, cessation support for LGBTQ+ young adults, the mental health benefits of quitting, and more.
NEW The Truth About Nicotine Pouches This fact card addresses nicotine pouches, a smokeless nicotine product introduced by tobacco companies. The pouches are made with synthetic nicotine and do not contain tobacco. Little is known about their long-term health effects, but the amount of nicotine in the pouches is so high that they are certainly addictive and toxic. They cause throat pain, mouth sores, and nausea. Audience Alternative tobacco users and vape users, Adults, General Fact Card 4” x 6” #J099
NEW Healthy Stores and Healthy Communities Go Hand in Hand This fact sheet emphasizes that rural convenience stores can thrive without relying on tobacco sales and encourages stores to explore selling healthy products such as fresh produce. Includes information on how to order free STAKE Act materials.
Audience Retailers and Business Owners, Adults, General Fact Sheet 8.5” x 11” #J096
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Young people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ+) experience higher rates of smoking and vaping compared to people who are not LGBTQ+. These higher rates are largely due to targeted marketing and the stress and social pressure these youth face. Our new supportive and encouraging wallet card and fact card are designed to help LGBTQ+ youth who want to quit using tobacco and nicotine.
NEW Nicotine-Free and Fabulous, Wallet Card
This two-sided wallet card is designed for LGBTQ+ youth and young adults and offers support for quitting tobacco and nicotine. It complements our new fact card.
Audience LGBTQ+, Teens, Youth, Young Adults Wallet Card 2.25” x 3.5” #J097
NEW Nicotine Free and Fabulous, Fact Card
This two-sided fact card is designed to support and encourage LGBTQ+ youth and young adults who want to quit using tobacco and nicotine. It complements our new wallet card.
Audience LGBTQ+, Teens, Youth, Young Adults Fact Card 4” x 9” #J098
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New Materials continued
NEW You Can Quit: Quitting Commercial Tobacco Is Healing This fact sheet for American Indian and Alaska Native audiences is designed to promote the mental health benefits of quitting commercial tobacco. The fact sheet discusses the difference between traditional and commercial tobacco and emphasizes how toxic commercial tobacco is. Studies show that quitting commercial tobacco not only helps to heal your lungs and heart, but it also improves recovery from substance use disorders, decreases depression and stress, and improves the effectiveness of some psychiatric medications.
Audience American Indian and Alaska Native, Adults Fact Sheet 8.5” x 11” #J106
NEW You Can Quit: Quitting Tobacco Benefits Mental Health, Spanish This fact sheet is designed to promote the mental health benefits of quitting tobacco. Over 70% of people with a mental health condition who use tobacco products would like to quit. Studies show that quitting tobacco not only helps to heal your lungs and heart, but it also improves recovery from substance use disorders, decreases depression and stress, and improves the effectiveness of some psychiatric medications. Also available in English (J376) and for American Indian and Alaska Native audiences (J106) .
Audience Hispanic and Latino, Adults, General Fact Sheet 8.5” x 11” #J376SP
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NEW Tobacco and Mental Health, Spanish
This two-sided Spanish-language fact card urges people to consider that using tobacco can actually cause mental health problems, such as increased stress and anxiety. And when people smoke or vape nicotine during adolescence, while their brains are still developing, they are more likely to become addicted. Includes information on how to get help to quit and cope with stress. Also available in English (J918) .
Did you know that this material, and others, can be personalized? Visit our MatBuilder home page to learn more and to explore your options!
Audience Hispanic and Latino, Adults, General Fact Card 3.5” x 8.5” #J918SP
NEW Live Tobacco Free, Vietnamese
This Vietnamese-language brochure encourages people to quit using tobacco by emphasizing the benefits of not using tobacco. The brochure’s positive, supportive message is designed for Vietnamese-speaking Asian American communities and has information about how to contact the Asian Smokers’ Quitline. Also available in English (J919) .
Audience Asian and Pacific Islander, Adults Brochure 8.5” x 5.5” #J919VT
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New Materials continued
NEW Smokefree Worksites Keep Everyone Healthier, Spanish In 1995, California became the first state to ban smoking in indoor workplaces, but state laws do not cover outdoor worksites. This Spanish language brochure provides information on the health risks of secondhand smoke and vape aerosol and discusses how smokefree policies protect workers and their loved ones. It encourages workers to advocate for smokefree policies and offers resources for people who would like to quit using tobacco products. Also available in English (J379) .
Did you know that this material, and others, can be personalized? Visit our MatBuilder home page to learn more and to explore your options!
Audience Hispanic and Latino, Adults, General Brochure 8.5” x 11” #J379SP
NEW Fresh Air, Fresh Eats: Smokefree Outdoor Dining, Spanish This Spanish-language fact sheet talks about the benefits of smokefree outdoor dining. Ideal for engaging with owners and managers of eating establishments, and local policymakers. Also available in English (J115) and Arabic (J115AR) . Did you know that this material, and others, can be personalized? Visit our MatBuilder home page to learn more and to explore your options!
Audience Hispanic and Latino, Adults, General Fact Sheet 8.5” x 11” #J115SP
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Revised Materials Our recently revised materials find fresh new ways to support your education and outreach efforts. We have updated our materials on vaping to feature some of the more popular emerging products. Audiences include the state’s priority populations, parents and other caring adults who want to prevent nicotine addiction among youth, and landlords and managers considering smokefree policies for multi-unit housing.
REVISED Vaping Facts
REVISED The Real Costs of Vaping This fact card addresses the “real costs” of vaping—including the up-front costs, the health costs, and the social and emotional costs. Includes information about how to get free, confidential help to quit using tobacco from Kick It California. Also available in Spanish (J995SP) and as a poster (J996) . Audience Alternative tobacco users and vape users, Teens, Youth, Young adults Fact Card 4” x 6” #J995 The simple design of this fact card clearly highlights the harmful effects of vaping. It discusses the dangers of nicotine, especially for young people, and of breathing secondhand vape aerosol. The item provides information for Kick It California’s vaping cessation services. Also available in Spanish (J941SP) . Audience Alternative tobacco users and vape users, Youth, Young adults, General Fact Card 8.5” x 5.5” #J941 Printed copies of this fact card are available free of charge to CTPP-funded agencies and non-profit organizations in California. Limits apply.
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REVISED Protect Our Future: Keep Young People Safe from Flavored Tobacco This brochure provides information on why flavored tobacco products are a problem, the health consequences of using flavored tobacco, and what you can do to make a difference. Includes Kick It California’s information. Designed for parents and caregivers . Also available in Spanish (J965SP) . Audience Families, Adults, Tobacco control advocates and educators Brochure 8.5” x 5.5” #J965
REVISED Your Life Is Our Future
This simple, clear brochure offers compelling reasons to quit using commercial tobacco plus tips and strategies for success. Designed for Native American audiences.
Audience American Indian and Alaska Native, Adults Brochure 8.5” x 11” #J520
Printed copies of this brochure are available free of charge to CTPP funded agencies and non-profit organizations in California. Limits apply.
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REVISED Our Campus, Our Future: Support Tobacco-Free Policies
This fact sheet is a great educational tool to advocate for a smoke and tobacco-free college or university campus. It encourages people to create and nourish a healthy environment for students, faculty, workers, and wildlife. Includes the website CATobaccoFreeColleges.org . Audience Young adults, Adults, Tobacco control advocates and educators Fact Sheet 8.5” x 11” #J357
REVISED Helpful Tips to Quit Smoking and Vaping This brochure addresses the fact that a majority of African American smokers use menthol tobacco products. It urges people who use tobacco to think about the health benefits of quitting and offers tips to quit smoking successfully.
Audience African American and Black, Adults Brochure 8.5” x 5.5” #J947
Printed copies of this brochure are available free of charge to CTPP funded agencies and non-profit organizations in California. Limits apply.
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Kick It CA Materials Kick It California materials are a great resource to share with anyone interested in quitting commercial tobacco. These cessation materials include contact information about the state program’s free services.
Kick It App: Quit Smoking | Vaping Free iOS and Android app uses Kick It California’s clinically proven behavior change strategies to help smokers and vapers quit tobacco and nicotine.
Visit kickitca.org/app
5 things you can do with the Kick It App: 1. Check In Daily Checking in with yourself is one of the first steps to behavior change. The Check In button allows you to quickly log your smoking/vaping behavior. 2. Track Progress Tracks days quit and how much money you’ve saved. Earn badges along the way. 3. Build a Quit Plan Log what triggers you to smoke/vape and choose strategies to use when you’re triggered. Adjust your plan as you go. 4. Crush Cravings Get through urges to smoke and vape using our guided breathing exercises, visualizations, and games. 5. Complete Missions Learn key concepts, such as quit planning, using Quit Aids, and boosting confidence & motivation.
1-800-300-8086 Call for FREE help to quit tobacco
You Can Quit Vaping. We Can Help!
Audience General, Hispanic and Latino Fact Card 3.5” x 8.5” #J105 #J105SP
Take Charge
Audience General, Hispanic and Latino Wallet Card 2.25” x 3.5” #J300, #J753
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FREE Materials Av ai lable to Order
STAKE Act Materials
These materials can be ordered by retailers, law enforcement agencies, local tobacco retail licensing agencies, and CDPH/ CTPP-funded agencies. Orders are limited to 1,000 pieces annually for each piece. Visit tecc.org/stake-materials order-form/
The Sale of Tobacco Products to Persons Under 21 Years of Age Is Prohibited by Law and Subject to Penalties To Report an Unlawful Tobacco Sale Call 1-800-5 ASK-4-ID
Valid Identification May Be Required Business and Professions Code Section 22952 21 U.S.C 387f(d) This sign must be readable by the consumer and must not be altered, covered or obliterated in whole or in part
• Open camera or QR code reader on your smartphone. • Hold your smartphone over QR Code so that it’s clearly visible within camera screen. • Look for the notification banner or tap to trigger code’s action.
Additional Materials The following materials are available free of charge to CTPP-funded projects and non-profits in California to support healthy, tobacco-free communities. Quantities are limited to 1,000 total pieces per order and 3,000 total pieces per calendar year per agency. Visit tecc.org/additional-materials order-form/
¿Cuál crees que mata más gente?
Healthy Moms, Healthy Kids. Madres Sanas, Niños Sanos.
Para ayuda gratis, llama al 1-800 -600-8191 Con más de 400,000 muertes al año, el cigarrillo mata a mucha más gente que la cocaína y la heroína juntas. Deja de fumar, antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
©2014 Departamento de Salud Pública de California
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New MatBuilder Templates
MatBuilder is a web-based tool that allows you to personalize select TECC materials. Each template includes color and image options, the option to add your organization or project logo, editable contact and funding information, and multiple languages.
Visit: tecc.org/matbuilder/about-matbuilder/
Questions? For support with MatBuilder, please email help@tecc.org
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Made with FlippingBook - Online Brochure Maker